Meet Kelly Convirs-Fowler

The Incumbent Delegate of Virginia’s 96th House District


Glamour Shot 1993

Kelly was raised in a military family in Virginia Beach and is the proud granddaughter of Navy Veterans. Both of her grandfathers earned their citizenship in the U.S. by serving in the Navy as they both were Filipino natives. Inspired by the service and dedication of her grandfathers, Kelly understood the importance of public service and improving the lives of her constituents.


Delegate Kelly speaking at Hampton Roads Pridefest with her kids.

As a Virginia Beach native, Kelly is deeply committed to representing the 96th district as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates in the General Assembly. As a means to better the 96, everyone must work together to ensure that Virginia Beach is a place of inclusivity, open to everyone regardless of age, religion, race, sexual orientation, or background.

Kelly ran for election in 2017 because she realized that her district deserved a representative who listened and understood their concerns regarding flooding, street maintenance, the rise of utilities, and the increase in prices of goods. As a mother of three, she understands the importance of improving the 96th district to safeguard future generations.

Delegate Kelly, her husband, David, and her three daughters Scarlett, Tessa, and Sophia.