The citizens of Virginia Beach have elected me to represent them since 2018! I serve as a voice for the residents of the 96th district in the Virginia House of Delegates. I am committed to serving my constituents and making Virginia a better place for working families!”

Reproductive Freedom

As a delegate, I am committed to advocating for reproductive freedom. Every person should have the right to make their own decisions about their reproductive health, including access to contraception, safe and legal abortion, and comprehensive sex education. I will work tirelessly to protect and expand these rights, ensuring that everyone has the freedom to make choices that are best for their own body. Together, we can create a world where reproductive freedom is a fundamental human right.

Economic Development

Lowering costs and raising wages for everyday Virginians are my top priorities. From lowering prescription drug prices to opposing corporate tax cuts, I have been proud to stand up for working families. I’m also promoting policies that stimulate job growth, attract businesses, and support small businesses and entrepreneurs. This may include advocating for tax incentives, workforce development programs, and infrastructure investments.


Supporting policies and funding for quality education, including initiatives to improve school infrastructure, increase teacher salaries, expand access to early childhood education, and enhance vocational training programs. Keeping public money in public schools is a top educational priority.

Environment & Sustainability

Championing legislation to address climate change, promote clean energy alternatives, protect natural resources, and reduce pollution. This may involve supporting renewable energy initiatives, advocating for stricter environmental regulations, and promoting conservation efforts.

2025 Legislative Package:

(Click the picture above to track bills for the 2025 Legislative Session!)

  • HB1686: Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds; complaints, hearings, civil penalty, and advisory opinions.

  • HB1687: Updates the charter for the City of Virginia Beach

  • HB1688: Authorizes localities to notify an accommodations intermediary that a short-term rental on its platform is not lawfully authorized to be offered on its platform.

  • HB1689: Virginia Residential Property Disclosure Act; Real Estate Board; residential property disclosure statement form.

  • HB1690: Requires certain eminent domain documents to be provided to landowners.

  • HB2608: History Education Advisory Board; established, report.

  • HB2609: Establishes minimum compensation rates for TNC partners.

  • HB2772: Public schools; textbooks and other high-quality instructional materials.

  • HB2775: Definition of hemp product. Also known as the Revitize Hemp Act.

  • HJ437: Reestablishes the Joint Subcommittee on Recurrent Flooding, which sunset in 2023, to continue its work through the 2026 interim.

2024 Legislative Package:

(Click the picture above to track bills for the 2024 Legislative Session!)

  • HB129: Hair styling; added as a profession that is regulated by the Board of Barbers and Cosmetology.

  • HB130: Constitutional officers; dual office holding, prohibited for deputies and other persons.

  • HB131: Learning needs dashboard; Department of Education shall continue to maintain, sunset date.

  • HB132: Virginia Minority Business Commission; established, report, sunset clause.

  • HB133: Local gov't; ongoing health care for employees exposed to toxic materials.

  • HB134: Opioids; DOE to develop education materials concerning risks.

  • HB412: Virginia Creative Economy Grant Fund and Program; established.

  • HB413: Elections; form of ballot, party identification of candidates, constitutional offices.

  • HB414: Land records; recording and indexing fees.

  • HB415: Virginia Beach, City of; amending charter, expansion of board of equalization.

  • HB416: Virginia Beach, City of; amending charter, transition of city council.

  • HB417: Vacancies in elected local offices; timeliness of special election to fill vacancy.

  • HB1302: Election of certain governing bodies; conversion to single-member districts.

  • HB1304: Elections; required voting districts in certain cities.

  • HB1359: Search warrants; menstrual health data prohibited, definition.

  • HB1360: Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds, complaints, hearings, etc.

  • HB1386: Firearms; workplace rules of localities.

2023 Legislative Package:

(Click the picture above to track bills for the 2023 Legislative Session!)

  • HB1497: Teachers; required to be compensated at or above national average.

  • HB1498: Barbers and cosmetologists; exemptions, threading.

  • HB1506: Post-conviction relief; previously admitted scientific evidence.

  • HB1527: Cats; trap, neuter, and return programs, civil penalty.

  • HB1528: Virginia Beach, City of; amending charter, vacancies in office of council member and mayor.

  • HB1529: Candidates for office; political party nomination by non-primary method, filing fee.

  • HB1530: Special elections; extends deadline for parties to nominate by methods other than a primary.

  • HB1565: Military spouses; burial fees at a veterans cemetery operated by Department of Veterans Services.

  • HJ476: Constitutional amendment; repeal of same-sex marriage prohibition (first reference).

  • HJ478: Legislative system; JLARC to study efficiency.

  • HR307: Commending the City of Virginia Beach.